Man walking alone in the woods
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Walk alone in the woods – enjoy the bliss of solitude

Nice To Meet You

I am a part-time blogger who has always felt that life is very beautiful provided we find time to see, love and enjoy the beauty of nature and the simple pleasures of life. My hobbies are reading, listening to music and watching cricket.

I have always been a great admirer of P.G. Wodehouse, the great humorist, who taught us to take life in a light hearted manner, enjoy every moment of it by finding humour in each and everything around us. Another favourite of mine is Dostoevsky especially his magnum opus “Crime and Punishment”, which is written in such a powerful way that sometimes I feel that there is a little bit of Rodion Raskolnikov in each one of us.

My blog is dedicated to all those good Samaritans who enjoy reading. We are all living in a busy world where our sole aim is to work hard every day to satisfy our bosses, our superiors and to impress our colleagues – we think that such a life will give us peace of mind and satisfaction. At the end of day we realize that we are not getting enough time to feel and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. My main aim is to make people realize that there is more to life than just living for the sake of working. We should find time to enjoy the beauty of nature, to see and feel the happiness in the faces of our children, our parents and, our fellow beings – because after retirement, no one will regret spending less time in the office. However, we all will regret the fact that we did spend much less time with our families…

“There is no friend as loyal as a book”

Ernest Hemingway

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